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Creators Corner: Here are Five Things You Must Do To Succeed In 2021

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Dear Creators, 2021 has started and its waiting for nobody, if you are like many who regretted their inaction or action and their failure to achieve certain set goals in 2020, here is another opportunity to start all over.

One lesson 2020 has taught us is that things can go south in a twinkling of an eye. And this can affect us, our businesses and craft. However, we can have better control of the year if we put certain things into consideration before we embark of this journey full time.

Yes, the journey might be bumpy along the way, however, it gets easier for you if you have mapped out the road before embarking on the journey.

Set Goals for Your Business or Craft.

Goals are the most important part of a plan. For this year, even without telling you, you should know that setting goals you intend to achieve will help you plan better. Hey, don’t just set goals for the sake of setting goals, set SMART goals. These goals must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bond.

This means your goals must be realistic and most importantly measurable so that you can see what you are doing right. Also, you don’t want to set your goals on paper, you must work towards it with certain end dates in mind.

For your plans to be more achievable, you must be able to break them down into smaller goals.

Prioritize Personal Development:

This year 2021 is the year must determine to improve yourself as a person, a creative and a business owner. If 2020 did not force you to learn a thing, you must have learnt that our world is constantly evolving, and we must move with the time.

You must resolve to take courses, go for personal development training, attend seminars, attend industry events etc. this action will help you improve your craft and even get you more credibility.

I will advise that you get more soft skills in addition to the hard skill you already boast of, Skills such as communication, teamwork etc.

Collaborate More:

Collaborating might be easy for you; it might be difficult for others. As a creator, you must be open to collaboration with people in your industry. Make sure your goals align with the goals of the project you are working on. Must also be sure that the project is mutually beneficial to you and those involved.

Collaboration sometime might mean sacrificing your talent and resources for a genuine cause. However, one single project can give you the exposure of a lifetime. You have to be very wary of the project you take on. Be sure you see the possibility of benefiting before embarking on it.

Five Things You Must Do To Get More Wins In 2021 (1)

Get Mentors:

If you don’t want to work hard endlessly, but instead want to work smart, the best way to do this is to get a mentor for yourself in your industry. Mentors are people who have seen the ups and downs in your industry that you can only imagine. They have attained and they certainly know the roadmap for success in their industry.

If you have the opportunity to get close to one of these folks and be mentored by them grab the opportunity with both hands. These people can give you the cheat code for success. If you have to pay to get one, and you have the resources to do so, please do. Go on a lookout for a mentor today.

Start Early:

Time waits for no man. As you go into this year, put that in mind. Whatever your intentions and goals are, start working on them now. Give 2021 your best shot, and do it early. One lesson we all have learnt from 2020 is that we cannot predict what the next minute will throw at us. Be prepared by taking control of your time. Start early as you do so.

Are you a content creator? Do you need a website for your brand or business? Reach out to us for one that befits you via WhatsApp (08187432021)

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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