Three young Nigerians, Thelma Iheanacho, Toluwanimi Sonuga and Joseph Divine, have been announced as winners of this the 2020 Wole Soyinka Essay Competition in the francophone and anglophone category.
The competition had winners from other countries including Emily Suh from the USA, Shaoyuan Li from China, Vera Honham Anthonio from Ghana, Sampada Dahal from Nepal, and Pamphile Sassi Aubert from China/Nigeria.
According to the organiser of the competition, the competition, which has the themed “Live and let’s live” got over 2000 entries.
According to the organisers, the two winners will take the DELF examination for free as soon as it will be possible to organize it, in addition to the cash prize they won from Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange (WSICE).
The competition was grouped into two categories: junior (12-16 years) and senior (17-22 years) and attracted participation from five language zones of the world: Anglophone (English), Francophone (French), Cinophone (Chinese), Hispaphone (Hispanic) and Lusophone (Portuguese).
The theme of the competition was inspired by the socio-economic crisis COVID -19 has brought on the world as we know it, especially the fact that it has caused a major setback to human relationships especially with the reality of social distancing.
According to the statement, participants had their origins from Nigeria, South Africa, United States of America; Cuba, Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, China, United Arab Emirates, Canada, amongst others.
The participants went through four stages of adjudication with 12 appointed judges drawn from the academic and advocacy zones, reviewing them. After the longlist was drawn, external judges served as auditors of the decisions arrived at by the earlier judges, before winners were finally chosen.
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