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Nigerian Youths Protest Against Bobrisky, See Social Media Users’ Reactions

Members of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), have earned the anger of Nigeria Social Media users, following their protest against, Nigerian cross-dresser, Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju better known as Bobrisky.

The protesters who described Bobrisky as “ungodly, unhealthy and disgusting.” during the street protest, wants the authorities to curb the activities of the crossdresser.

In the video in circulation on social media, Mukhtar Jebba, the NYCN executive, accused Bobrisky of “engaging in lesbianism, gay, bisexual, transgender, LGBT”.

“Gentlemen of the press, the National Youth Council of Nigeria with the support of the entire Nigerian youth condemn in totality the activities of one Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju popularly known as Bobrisky and his likes engaging in lesbianism, gay, bisexual, transgender, LGBT,” 

“The National Youth Council describes the LGBT as ungodly, unhealthy and disgusting, noting that what Bobrisky and his likes are promoting is completely against the moral, cultural and spiritual values of our dear country. Our law as a nation also frowns at these activities,” he said.

The protest of these young Nigerians has been met with huge criticism as Nigerians on social media wonder why a protest was carried out on a trivial issue, while other pressing national issues should be brought to fore.

See what they have to say.

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Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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