
Book Review: “Love Made Her” By Ojo Kolawole

“Love Made Her” By Ojo Kolawole

I will tell you a secret before we lunch ourselves into this review. I have never boarded a plane before, But I can confidently say that I have traveled to more countries than some of you have without a visa. You want to see how I did it? Read on.

“Love Made her” (Double Knot) is a 168 pages ‘romance’ series novel written by one of the youngest writers I have ever known, Ojo Kolawole. The novel brought to fore the force of love and its ability to bring sanity out of an insane man.

The story narrates the ordeal of a young man, Will Stephenson, who out of desperation to please his insatiable “girlfriend’ takes a job as a hired assassin. Unfortunately for him, he got into trouble with the state authority and with Mr. John Hughes, the man who sent him on this hideous mission. Will’s new love was kidnapped as bait to silence him forever. However, with the help of Mr. Moses, a dangerous man also, and the force of the love and ‘Thing’ he had with Veronica, he was able to put Mr. John Hughes, in his place.

Stories based on love are powerful, they bring out of the writer imagination a world brought to gather by the magic of love. A world where possibilities and realities are only seen through the madness called love.

I am still thrilled by the title of the novel “Love Made Her”, but I would have been most excited if it were “Love Made Him”, I mean imagine Will Stephenson, a student, who was into all kind of bad stuff, whose self-esteem was struggling because he could not keep his girlfriend due to his wretchedness, all of a sudden because responsible enough to endure the rigour of training and even going for an impossible mission of rescuing a lady he barely knew. This shows how love had made him the responsible man he should have been. The sequence of the story gives the impression of a man who faces the bad guy to prove that Titanic’s Jack DiCaprio’s craze for love is a child’s play.

I was initially worried, when I started the adventure of reading the novel, by the fact that the story had its setting majorly outside of Nigeria, because I wondered how a Nigerian author would be able to wrap his head and imagination around creating a setting that is somewhat foreign to him, but I was relieved at the end by the sublime execution of descriptive flow of narrative. This book took its readers on a journey to about five countries even without a visa like a guide leading tourists into the land of the unknown. Kolawole obviously did his homework.

I would at this point applaud Kolawole for his amazing use of words. His ability to paint into reality the world he created is unique and impressive. He basically gave his reader the mental help they needed to conjure in their imagination slightest details in the narration.

Although, I felt that there were discrepancies in the narration of the novel, which I can’t wait for the sequel to give answers to, however, Kolawole opened his readers to the possibility that a Nigeria writer, without attending a film school in the United States can write a fantastic script for Hollywood production.

At this point, I must be blunt. The novel failed to justify its romantic tag. I expected the priority of the narrative to project the lives of the two lovers in the novel, Will and Veronica, however, I was not too pleased with the fact that the story did give readers an idea of why they should believe that the protagonist is in love with a woman he met at the pub and had a one night stand with. Can we judge this as love? What other things motivate their love. What do they share in common to make Will willing to go all out to save the “love of his life”? And what makes Veronica think that Will will come back for her and dump his demanding girlfriend without blinking.

While I believe that Kolawole did not employ the gripping power of suspense that is deserving of the plot of the novel, There is also the need to wait for the second series to understand the characters introduced in the first series that do not seems to add value to the plot of the literary work.

To order for the books, Sent an Email to joshuaoyenigbehin@gmail.com.

If you will like the e-copy of the novel for free? please, put down your email address in the comment section.

If you want a review like this for your literary work, books, films, contact the author of this piece vie his email, joshuaoyenigbehin@gmail.com.


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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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  1. I would appreciate a free copy, emiakahan@yahoo.com

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