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What I Learned Starting My Newsletter Business

“Discover essential insights and practical tips from my journey of starting a newsletter business. This guide is perfect for aspiring creators looking to build and grow their own successful newsletter.”

What I Learned Starting My Newsletter Business: A Guide for Aspiring Creators


When I started writing online, I didn’t understand what it meant to build a list or how to monetize a newsletter audience. I struggled to get my readers to pay me for the content I wrote or at least give me a freelance job or buy my digital products.

I didn’t understand that starting an online business, or at least making money online, required more than just creating content: it requires building trust and authority in the field you decide to be a player in.

That is why, when I get the opportunity to meet with new writers and content creators who are just starting out, my advice is very simple: “Build your email list and learn to monetize it.”

The real challenge for aspiring creators and writers is understanding how to pick a niche, build your audience for your newsletter, and monetize it.

There is no doubt that with the right tools and mindset, anyone, including you, can reproduce the success of some of the world’s highest-earning newsletter businesses like The Morning Brew, The Hustle, AVC, and others, which were initiated by one person before they took the world by storm.

In this piece, I will be sharing with you my experience so far on my journey and also answering some of the questions you might have about starting your own newsletter business.

Which niche should I choose to get started with for my newsletter business?

The first issue you will have to sort out when you want to start is choosing the niche you want to operate in and dominate.

Like most newbies, you will struggle to choose a specific topic or aspect in your industry to focus your energy on.

Whether you are just starting out or you are looking to scale your business, niching down helps you build authority quickly, especially in that particular niche. It helps you build loyalty quickly, operate in a less competitive aspect of the market, and be laser-focused about your offer to your prospects.

What i have learnt startimg my Newsletter business
Newsletter Business

Here is how to find a suitable niche for your Newsletter Business:

  1. Find the meeting point between your skills and your passion.
  2. Look for the problem in your market or industry that needs an urgent solution and find the solution to this problem.
  3. Look out and investigate the competition in your industry and niche.
  4. Explore digital tools that will help you find winning niches in your business. Tools like Google Trends, Answer the Public, Ubersuggest, and others can be helpful in this regard.
  5. Answer the question of profitability. You need to be sure the niche you decide to choose is profitable.

Before you continue with your journey, you need to know:

  1. How to identify your target audience and niche.
  2. Tips for choosing a newsletter topic based on passion and market demand.
  3. Mistakes to avoid when narrowing down your focus.

Here are 5 Strategies for Building an Engaged Audience

Fact: Revenue Potential: Newsletters can be highly profitable. The top 27 most profitable newsletters on Substack generate over $22 million annually3. This shows the significant revenue potential for well-managed newsletters.
Revenue Potential: Newsletters can be highly profitable. The top 27 most profitable newsletters on Substack generate over $22 million annually.

1. Create a Free, Valuable Lead Magnet

Offer your audience something valuable for free, such as an ebook, checklist, or exclusive resource, in exchange for their email addresses. Make sure your lead magnet solves a problem or provides real value related to your niche. For example, you could create a detailed guide that addresses a specific need your audience has, and promote it across your website and social media.

2. Leverage Social Media to Drive Traffic

Share snippets of your newsletter content on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn to drive interest. Tease valuable insights or exclusive content in your posts to encourage followers to subscribe for more. Use relevant hashtags and join niche-specific groups to reach people who are likely interested in your content.

3. Collaborate with Other Creators

Partner with other creators or influencers in your niche to cross-promote each other’s newsletters. Guest appearances, joint projects, or interviews can introduce your newsletter to a wider audience. By tapping into their established subscriber base, you can quickly gain credibility and attract more sign-ups.

4. Offer Exclusive Content to Subscribers

Make your newsletter special by offering exclusive content that can’t be found anywhere else. Whether it’s early access to your blog posts, insider tips, or personalized responses to subscriber questions, let your audience know they’re getting something unique. Tease this exclusivity on your blog, website, and social media to entice new subscribers.

5. Add Sign-Up Forms Everywhere

Make it as easy as possible for people to subscribe by placing sign-up forms in multiple places across your website. Instead of limiting them to just the homepage, add forms at the end of your blog posts, within your about page, and use well-timed pop-ups. These touchpoints increase the chances of converting visitors into subscribers without being too pushy.

“Discover essential insights and practical tips from my journey of starting a newsletter business. This guide is perfect for aspiring creators looking to build and grow their own successful newsletter.”

Monetizing Your Newsletter

Monetizing Your Newsletter: Turning Subscribers into Revenue

Once you’ve built a solid subscriber base for your newsletter, the next step is to start monetizing it. A well-crafted newsletter not only provides value to your readers but also offers various opportunities to generate income. From sponsorships to premium subscriptions, there are multiple ways to turn your newsletter into a revenue stream. Here are a few strategies you can implement to monetize your newsletter effectively.

1. Offer Sponsorships and Paid Ads

One of the most common ways to monetize your newsletter is by offering sponsorship slots or running paid ads. Companies are often eager to reach a targeted and engaged audience, and your newsletter provides them with just that. You can sell advertising space within your newsletter or partner with brands that align with your content. Be mindful to choose sponsors whose products or services will genuinely benefit your audience to maintain trust and credibility.

2. Launch a Paid Subscription Model

If your newsletter provides exclusive, high-value content, you can offer a paid subscription model. Readers are often willing to pay for access to specialized information, insider tips, or in-depth analysis. Platforms like Substack make it easy to introduce tiered subscriptions, offering free and premium versions of your newsletter. By gating some of your content behind a paywall, you can generate recurring revenue while still maintaining a free tier to attract new subscribers.

3. Promote Affiliate Products

Affiliate marketing is another great way to monetize your newsletter. By recommending products or services you believe in and sharing affiliate links, you can earn a commission on any sales generated through your newsletter. It’s important to only promote products that align with your brand and that you genuinely stand behind, as this ensures you maintain the trust of your readers while earning income from your recommendations.

4. Sell Your Own Products or Services

If you have your products, services, or digital courses, your newsletter can be a direct channel for promoting them. You already have an engaged audience, so using your newsletter to offer special discounts, early access, or exclusive deals is a natural way to increase sales. By positioning your offerings as a valuable extension of the content you provide, you create a win-win scenario for both you and your subscribers.

Newsletter business for aspiring creators
Newsletter business for aspiring creators

Here are Factors to Consider when choosing a Platform for your Newsletter Business

When choosing a platform for your newsletter, start by thinking about ease of use. Is the platform user-friendly, with tools like drag-and-drop editors and ready-made templates? The easier it is to navigate, the more time you’ll have to focus on creating great content instead of getting stuck on technical tasks.

Next, consider scalability and pricing. Can the platform grow with you as your subscriber list expands? Look into how pricing changes as your audience grows and whether it offers features like automation and segmentation, which are essential for building a larger, more engaged list.

Lastly, think about deliverability and support. Will your emails land in inboxes instead of spam folders? Check out the platform’s reputation for deliverability and see what kind of customer support they offer — having access to quick help when you need it can make all the difference.

When choosing an email marketing platform for your newsletter business, consider the features each offers.

Here are some Email Marketing and Newsletter platforms to SIgn up for.

Klaviyo is ideal for eCommerce businesses, offering advanced automation and data-driven campaigns. It’s perfect for those looking to integrate with online stores like Shopify and personalize their emails based on customer behavior.

Substack is built for creators wanting a simple way to monetize their content through paid subscriptions. It’s easy to use and handles payments, making it great for writers and journalists, though it lacks advanced marketing tools.

ConvertKit is tailored for content creators like bloggers and podcasters, offering automation, audience segmentation, and easy-to-use email sequences. It’s a solid option for creators focused on growing their audience and engaging with specific subscriber groups.

Beehive focuses on helping newsletter creators monetize their content through ads, sponsorships, or premium subscriptions. It offers strong analytics and segmentation but is still developing more advanced features like automation.

Mailchimp is versatile and user-friendly, offering templates, automation, and integrations for small businesses. While widely used, its pricing increases as your list grows, and it may not offer enough for larger eCommerce needs.

Each platform caters to different needs, so choose based on whether you prioritize automation, monetization, or simplicity.

Growing Popularity: The number of creators starting newsletters has surged significantly. For instance, on the platform beehiiv, the number of newsletters increased by over seven times from 2022 to 2023

Some Successful Newsletter Businesses Out There

Several newsletter businesses have found remarkable success online, leveraging niche content and strong engagement strategies. One notable example is, created by Eric Lam. This newsletter focuses on emerging trends and startup ideas, providing valuable insights to entrepreneurs. Within just four months, it became profitable, showcasing the potential of well-targeted, high-quality content

Another success story is Milk Road, a newsletter dedicated to cryptocurrency news and insights. It gained significant traction quickly and was sold to a private equity firm for over $1 million within ten months of its launch1. This demonstrates the high demand for specialized, timely information in the rapidly evolving crypto space.

Additionally, has made waves by offering concise, AI-generated summaries of the latest news. It quickly grew in popularity and is on track to generate $1 million annually. These examples highlight how focusing on specific interests and delivering consistent, valuable content can lead to substantial success in the newsletter business.


Now is the ideal time to start a newsletter business because the demand for niche, high-quality content is booming, and tools like Substack and MailChimp make creating engaging, interactive newsletters easy. With more people seeking valuable information delivered directly to their inboxes, you can build a loyal audience and monetize your expertise effectively. What niche are you considering for your newsletter?

Are you thinking of starting a newsletter in a particular niche? Here is a program that can be of help.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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