
TedxLagos: How To Become A Cultural Ambassador By Tokini Peterside, Watch

The fact that that culture of any people is the tool with which such set of people can negotiate their relevance in this world cannot be denied.

It is for this reason that culture advocate and art promoter Tokini Peterside outlines the ways Nigerians can sell their cultural asset for the world to appreciate in her Ted talk for the Lagos Tedx event.

Peterside also displayed the works and impart of artists she called cultural ambassadors and how every Nigerians can be a cultural ambassador.

Tokini Peterside is the Founder and Director of ART X Lagos, West Africa’s first international contemporary art fair, which she founded to widen Nigeria’s connection to the contemporary art scene in Africa and internationally, to contribute to the increased visibility of contemporary artists from Africa, and to position Lagos as an emergent cultural capital on the continent.

Note, this Ted talk was given almost a year ago.

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Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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