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#GOTFinale: See People’s Reaction To The Last Episode Of Game Of Thrones

Reactions have been trailing the last episode of the 8th season of the Game of Thrones Series.

The last episode of the 8 years long series portrays the death of the reign of the queen after her murder by her beloved Jon Snow, who killed her to stop her from continuing her quest for power, which has left many dead.

The confirmation of the death of the Lannister twins under the rumble of the city’s ruin was made by Tyrion who confronted the Queen and was subsequently arrested.

Jon stuck this blade in his queen. Possibly because of the mindless destruction and mass murder carried out by his lover-aunt.

The unprecedented event that followed the death of Daenerys really go people on social media talking. While others applauded the ending to the series, others feel that the storyline had issues that ought to be rectified.

If you have seen the Last Episode of the series, please do, that is if you have been following.

See The rection of people of Twitter:

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Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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