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Five Ways To Help A Victim of Rape

Five Ways To Help A Victim of Rape

I remember vividly during my senior secondary school days, one of my classmate,  Hope, a very vibrant and brilliant girl got raped one evening while on her way home from her mother’s shop.

Her parents didn’t know how to handle the situation, they blamed her for the incident. Her father said she caused it because of the dress she wore that evening.

Unfortunately, she got pregnant. the trauma and pressure mounted, even more, she had to stop schooling. Three months later, we were informed in school that she had committed suicide.

Stories like that of Hope abound all over Nigeria. We lose so many women to rape every year, a tread we must nip in the bud.

Being a victim of sexual assault or rape one of the most traumatizing things that can happen to a person. However, cases of rape and sexual assault abound in our society today.

Nigeria, in fact, accounts for one of the highest incidences of rape and sexual assault in the world today. the unfortunate part of this fact is that no concrete statistical records are available concerning this fact.

According to the Women At Risk International Foundation, about 30 per cent of women in Nigeria experienced one form of domestic violence or another between the year 2012-2013.

One other area of concern is the prevalence of ignorance as regards the implication of rape. some men do not understand that their involvement in certain sexual behaviour makes the abusers of women. Some women do not know where to go or steps to take to ensure justice for themselves when they are subjected to rape.

Nigeria system makes getting redress or preventing rape difficult. Here are steps to take to help and get justice for any victim of rape.

  1. Don’t Blame Them: Nigerians need to stop treating rape victims as though they are the rapist. Rape victims, immediately after a rape episode are usually in shock, it takes a very long time to shake the shock off them. it will, therefore, be counterproductive to blame them for the inhuman behaviour of somebody else. Rape victim need to be encouraged. They need to be told that it was not their fault that they were preyed on.
  2. Help Rape victims report to the police: Rape victims might find it difficult to go to the police station to report that they have been raped. This is obviously because the police might doubt their stories and even shame them for the evil of some folks. it will be helpful if you accompany them to the station and file a case on their behave. They (rape victims) will be encouraged and bold to fight for justice when they have support and backing.
  3. Get Them Medical Attention: Immediately after a rape, rape victims need urgent medical attention. Medical attention is important, not only because they need to be treated for any STI and other diseases they might have contracted and to prevent pregnancy, but to also ensure that evidence needed to prove the claims of the victim are preserved.
  4. Help Them Get therapy: Rape is not just an assault on the body of a person, but also an abuse of the psychological and mental makeup of a person. Rape victims need help they need to be connected with organizations that would help them get through the trauma. Stand To End Rape Initiative and Mirabel Centre are organisation that not only help get victims back to shape but also get them justice.
  5. Tell Their Stories: Rape victims need to get their stories told. They might find it difficult to tell these stories because of what the society might think about time, however, with you as their voice, they can get the world to hear their story and ensure that they get justice.

If you are a victim of rape are you want to tell in on this platform reach out to the Publisher of this platform Station Magazinevia joshuaoyenigbehin@gmail.com.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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