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Learn Film-making With Film-making Masterclass With Kunle Afolayan – Watch

Film-making Masterclass With Kunle Afolayan

Telling stories through films is the dream of many young creatives. However, these dreams have become elusive because many have not been able to learn either from their mentors or a film school.

It is for this reason that Kunle Afolayan, one of Nigeria’s great filmmakers and director< has put together a filmmaking masterclass for aspiring young filmmakers who want to tell their story through film.

Kunle Afolayan, in his free series on YouTube, will educate prospective and established filmmakers on all the important stages and aspects of feature filmmaking, with his award-winning movie “The Figurine” as a case study.

Other filmmaking topics he has dwelled on so far include, Production Design, Scriptwriting, funding, casting, and others.

Watch the first five episodes of the masterclass here:

Episode 1


Episode 2


Episode 3


Episode 4


Episode 5

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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