
Watch The First Episode of Web Series “Litle Black Book”

Poster for "Little Black Book"

The first episode of the new web series “Little Black Book” by The Naked Convos is here for your viewing.

The series is based on the written series by author Sally Kenneth Dadzie.

The series tells the story of Tade, a brilliant business developer trying to get her life back on track after a series of failures,

She gets a job as Leo’ PA, an entrepreneur, defying the odds to keep his business in the green and a little black book of gorgeous women, unfolding truths and hidden desires between them.

Produced by Lydia Idakula-Sobogun and directed by Belinda Yanga, the script was adapted for the screen by Abosi Ogba and Sally Kenneth-Dadzie.

The series feature stars like Ikechukwu Onunaku (Leo), Teniola Aladese (Tade), Oreka Godis, Anee Icha, Floyd Igbo, Chimela Azurunwa, Kiki Omeli, Jeffrey Kanu, Omoye Uzamere and many more.

The first episode portrays Tade, an unemployed young lady, after months of being unemployed, receives a call from her friend to meet and be interviewed by the CEO, Leo Afamdi Igwe.

Leo offered her a PA Job, instead of the Business Development Manager she taught she would get employed for.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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