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Senator Ndume Opposes Oshiomhole’s adoption of Ahmed Lawan as next Senate President

Ali Ndume, the Senator representing Borno South District in the National Assembly, has antagonized the attempt by the All Progressive Congress (APC) to favour Senator Lawan Ahmed as the next President of the Nigerian Senate.

Station Magazine understands that Adams Oshiomhole, the chairman of the APC has concluded plans with Senators of the party to install Sanator Ahmed as the next Senate President.

In an interview with journalists in Abuja, Ahmed described the action as unpopular and unconstitutional.

According to him, Lawan’s imposition by the party leadership contravenes Section 50 (1) (A) of the 1999 constitution (as amended) which gave the Senators-elect the right to elect their leaders on the day of inauguration.

He said, “All my colleagues at the occasion yesterday (Monday) were shocked when Adams Oshiomhole unilaterally announced his decision to endorse Lawan as candidate of the party.

“It is an unpopular decision because I am sure that President Buhari and other leaders of the party are not in support of that action. None of the stakeholders was also consulted.”

He added that he will come to a final decision after consultation with leaders of the party in the North-East and his colleagues who are supporting his aspiration.


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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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