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Nigerian Students Win SAGE Competition In US

SAGE Competition Gold Medalists

A group of Nigerian students has won 2019 Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) competition with their problem-solving “Marist Air Quality Monitor”.

The students, who are students of Marist College in Abuja, competed for Gold against students from around the globe at the 2019 competition with their device that monitors air quality and detects harmful environments.

SAGE is a transnational social movement that emphasizes civic duty and responsibility among high school students.

Gold Medal For The Marist-AQM

Their invention was made to detect elevated levels of harmful particles and chemicals in the air and then quickly triggers an alarm or warning phone calls.

“The Marist-AQM is set to inspire positive change in Nigeria, across Africa and beyond as it provides an opportunity for healthier lives and promotes wellbeing for all at all ages. MARIST-AQM also provides much-needed air quality data to various stakeholders,” said Romanus Ayeh, coordinator of the team.

“My team and I had the opportunity to showcase our project and defend our country. We did great and won a Gold medal for our project and we are all happy. The experience is worth reliving and I am glad to have partaken in it.”

The competition brought together students from countries like China, Canada, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Vietnam, among others.

The competition was held in California between August 8 and 12.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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