
Meet Otmillz,The Young Photographer Who Is Telling Stories Through His Camera Len

How to start Photography Business in Nigeria

Photography has for long been an underestimated medium for social change. The art is not merely the use of lens and the manipulation of lights, it’s a way stories are told to reflect the social-cultural reality of the society.

In recent times, some young people have decided to project the beauty around them in a bid to address the ugliness that is evident in their society

Otmillz (not real name) is a young and budding Photographer who has lunch himself in the world of documentary Photography in a big way. He believes in telling stories with his camera.

Komolafe Oluwatoni, Station Magazine’s student reporter had a brief chat with the university undergraduate, where he opened up about his motivation, dream and what he intended to achieve with his creative mind and a good camera.

Read Full Interview:

Who exactly is Otmillz?

My full name is Rufus Ikechuku Harmony, I’m the first child of my parents. I’m based in Lagos. I am jovial. I love games, I love pictures and I talk a lot. I am currently studying industrial design at the Federal University of Technology, Akure.

Laughing Child - Otmillz
Laughing Child – Otmillz

How did you start Photography?

I was introduced to photography in my 200L, but I started my photography business in 2018.

When did you venture who photography?

I saw photographers as Baba Photo-all this local photographer. I was not exposed to modern photographers. I went into photography When I took a picture of a flower and gave it normal editing, to enhance its beauty. When those around me saw the photo, they were amazed by the outcome. This really inspired me to take more picture. This I started when I was in my 200L at the university.

What inspires your work?

I am usually inspired to do more when people are amazed by my work. When people appreciate my work I am inspired to do more.

Photo by Otmillz

Who is your role model?

My role model is Lee Jeffries Photography is his not a Nigerian. Not that I don’t like Nigerian photographers, but because I see his works as outstanding.

How do you balance the demands of your academics and your photography engagement?

I am so lucky because my course deals with photography too. Industrial design as a lot to do with photography. so I easily learn from my department. Whatsoever I am being thought in class, especially in photography class, I apply it to my art

What was your parents’ reaction to your decision to go into Photography?

When I started my parents were not aware that I was into it, but later on, they saw my work and they loved it and since then they have been supportive. I started with my phone not until last year June when my mom got me the digital camera when she saw my works and was impressed by them.

Photo By Otmillz

How did you learn Photography?

My photography was self-taught.

Is Photography a lucrative craft?

photography is a very lucrative business. It depends on how business wise the photographer is, especially in students environment, you can start by taking passports to get for money. Also, students do birthday shoot a lot. Besides, when your work is outstanding and you take beautiful pictures, people will be forced to pay good money for them.

Are photographers still relevant, is the Photography industry dying?

The photography industry is never going to die, It is rather it’s improving. Sure, everybody can take pictures with their smart phones but it can’t be compared to a professional photographer. Not everyone has the eyesight and creativity needed to compose pictures. No matter the grade of the smartphone, you might not be able to optimise the quality of your photography if you are not a profession.

Suicide by Otmillz
Suicide by Otmillz

What kind of photography do you do?

I am into documentary photography, which is my favourite aspect of photography.

What is your biggest project so far?

My biggest project so far is ‘Am not an addict”

What was your biggest challenge on that project?

My biggest project was “am not an addict”. My biggest challenge was the people in those pictures don’t want their faces to be seen and it was very tasking for me to pass my message without making their faces obvious.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years, I will be at the top if I continue with this pace.  The last few years, things has actually been great for me,

Do you intend to go into filmmaking anytime soon?

Yes, I will definitely go into filmmaking. I believe that documentaries started from films before they started as picture series. Also, Filmmaking help brings the documentary to life. So, yes I’ll definitely go into film making.

Any bad moments so far?

My kind of photography deals with freezing moment. I don’t compose moment. There was a time I wanted to take a picture, very urgently, but unfortunately, the camera’s memory card just went bad.

There were times I was encountered by street thugs who queried me for taking pictures. Some of them actually threatened to damage my camera.

Drug Abuse by Otmillz
Picture from “Am not an addict” Project
Man on Bike By Otmillz
Man on Bike By Otmillz

Follow and see more of Otmillz’s work on Instagram @otmillz.

Note: Station Magazine is out to give young entrepreneurs and creatives (writers, photographers, filmmakers etc.) a platform for their works to be seen and appreciated.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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