
Photographer Mayor Otu Shares Insight As To How NGO Can Raise Fund Through Storytelling

One of Nigeria’s foremost documentary photographer, Mayor Otu has given Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) insights on how they can raise funding for their course with the simple act of story-telling.

Otu took to his Twitter handle @MayorUyo to outline the guidings NGOs need to follow to make their course compelling enough to get positive responses from organizations through storytelling.

The photographer, through his photography documentary project in Katampe Abuja, was able to secure the help of Starling Bank to get the people of the community clean water supply.

According to Uto, “Storytelling is your ability to share your organization’s values with people in their learning language and hoping that they will remember it like a nursery rhyme. Storytelling is communicating emotions that people can easily relate with”

He advised NGO to ensure that they understand their organizational values and use storytelling media to communicate these values and emotions.

Otu revealed that some NGOs merely take photos of events they organized, instead of taking pictures that capture the situation of things. This he described as counterproductive.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

Comments (2)

  1. I run an NGO and have found it a bit challenging raising funds towards drilling a borehole in Ikono. With this piece, I believe it would help us more in that line

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