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Participate In ARSO’s #Road4Life Storytelling Contest And Become A Champion Of African Roads

The quest to ensure that Africans don’t perish on their road have prompted the initiation of a storytelling contest by the African Road Safety Observation to create awareness of safety on African roads.

If you are 18 and over, passionate about road safety, and carrying out great work to make Africa’s roads safer, we want to hear your story!

Join the African Road Safety Observatory’s #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest for a chance to become a #Roads4Life Champion and win a trip to SSATP’s Annual General Meeting (November 2019), where you will have the opportunity to share your experience and advocate for change in front of Africa’s top transport leaders and decision-makers.

Eligibility: Any person aged 18 and over, living in Africa can take part in the contest. Only one submission per person.

SSATP with the support of the African Union Commission (AUC), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), European Union (EU), World Bank Group (WBG) and the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), with funding from UKAid, are launching the African Road Safety Observatory’s #Roads4Life Storytelling Contest to identify road safety champions who are working to make Africa’s roads safer.

To know the detail about how to participate in the contest, Visit African Transport Policy Program website

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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