Career and Opportunities

Opportunity For Creative Writers Of Hausa Language

miniya-Trust Hausa Short Story Writing Competition.

Open Arts Foundation is an arts and literary collective based in Kaduna, Nigeria. In conjunction with Gandun Kalmomi, they are calling for entries for the inaugural Aminiya-Trust Hausa Short Story Writing Competition.

The award is sponsored by Aminiya-Trust newspapers and “hopes to serve as a beacon for the development of Hausa literature.”

The prize for the winning story is N250,000. Winners in the second and third positions win N150,000 and N100,000 respectively.

The competition will announce a themed subject annually that entries are supposed to revolve around. The 2020 theme: is “Challenges of Democracy and Politicking in Nigeria.”


All entries should be a piece of creative writing in Hausa that fall between the word count of 1000 – 1500 words and conform to Hausa traditions and cultural norms.


All entries should be sent to as a Microsoft Word attachment including full name, a short bio, home or office address and phone number.


Submissions will be open from May 15 2020 and close at 11:59pm West African Time (WAT) on July 15 2020. Entries sent outside the submission window will not be accepted.

Winners of the 2020 Aminiya-Trust Hausa Short Story Competition will be announced in September 2020.

Between September and October 2020, the top 15 entries will be edited and be published as part of an anthology with the top 3 entries translated into English for worldwide distribution.

An award presentation ceremony will be held in Kaduna in December 2020.

Inquiries should be addressed to

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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