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Actors Guild Of Nigeria: Hilda Dokubo, Kate Henshaw Call For The Removal Of Elisha Abbo As Patron

Hilda Dokubo

Veteran Nollywood actresses, Hilda Dokubo and Kate Henshaw has expressed their displeasure at the appointment of Elisha Aboo, the Senator representing Adamawa South Senatorial District as the Patron of the Actors Guild of Nigeria.

These talented actresses spoke-up after the senator was accused of physically abusing a woman in a sex toy store in Abuja, 9 months age.

The actresses who called out the president of the guild, Emeka Rollas, insisted that the alleged abuser be removed from the position.

Dokubo, who make are position known in a video she posted on her Twitter handle, astonished all “right thinking mentally balanced, honourable, male and female members of the Actors Guild of Nigeria to stand up and reject Elisha Abbo as the patron of The Actors Guild of Nigerian”

Kate Henshaw, while supporting, Hilda Dokubo, said: “We have women in this guild and we do not want to be slapped!!”

The both all members of the guild especially the president of the guild to set things right, to sent the right massage to the world.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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