It was a hilarious and unbelievable scene to see, as a foul smell suspected to be fart disrupted debate at a Kenyan regional assembly on Wednesday, local reports say.
“Honourable Speaker, one of us has polluted the air and I know who it is,” Julius Gaya reportedly told Homa Bay county assembly.
However, the member of the house accused to be responsible for the disruption would not have the accusation.
“I am not the one. I cannot do such a thing in front of my colleagues.” he said.
The speaker of the Assembly, Edwin Kakach, in a bid to clear the air, asked members to step outside and take a break from the chamber.
Reports also say he asked officials to bring in air fresheners “to make it pleasant. Get whatever flavour you will find in any office, whether it’s vanilla or strawberry.
The debate continued shortly after the unpleasant smell subsided.
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