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Chimamanda Adichie Honoured In Germany On Her 42nd Birthday

Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, has been awarded the Kassel Citizens’ ‘Prism of Reason’ award for “her vision of humanistic diversity” in Germany on her 42nd birthday.

Founded in 1990 by citizens of the city of Kassel, the “Prism of Reason” award has been awarded 28 times, 2019 makes it the 29th award given out.

She shared photos from the event with the caption, “So grateful to have received the ‘Prism of Reason’ award from the citizens of Kassel, Germany, on my birthday, September 15. Grateful to have turned 42. Grateful for family, friends and fans. Dalu nu rinne”.

According to VON, a statement issued by the organisers of the event said the prize is awarded to: “Persons or institutions whose work serves the ideals of the Enlightenment by overcoming ideological barriers and promoting reason and tolerance towards dissenters.”

“The Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the Kassel Citizens’ Prize have selected Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as the 2019 winner of the ‘Prism of Reason’. This makes her the first Nigerian to receive this remarkable prize,” organisers said.

“The award… is also in recognition of Adichie’s undeniable literary prowess, also for her equality and justice advocacy,” the statement added.

Combative but not fanatical, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie… points out ways to overcome outdated patterns which are deeply anchored in education and society. Kassel citizens honour her with their Prize ‘The Prism of Reason 2019’ because she believes in the social, political and economic equality of all people” The Kassel Board president Bernd Leifeld said.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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