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Aisha Buhari Now Wants To Be called First Lady Not Wife Of The President

Aisha Buhari Now Wants To Be called First Lady

The wife of President Muhammadu Buhari, Aisha Buhari has revealed that she now prefers to be referred too as the First Lady rather than her former title which is the Wife of the president.

Aisha Buhari made the development known at the presentation of awards to the former and current wives of Governors of the 36 states.

The event held at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

NTA quoted Aisha Buhari as saying:

When my husband was elected newly I personally chose to be called the wife of the President.

But, I realised that it causes confusion from the state as to whether the wives of state governors are to be addressed as the first ladies or wives of the governors.

So, forgive me for confusing you from the beginning, but now I chose to be called the first lady.

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About Author

Joshua Oyenigbehin is an introvert who is passionate about Storytelling, writing, and teaching. He sees his imagination as an unsearchable world, more magical than a fairyland. He has written a novel and working on another

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