Nigerian filmmaker, Obi Emelonye, has released the trailer to his controversial biopic of one of Nigeria’s Head of State, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.

The film titled “Badamosi: The portrait of a General” tells the story of how the Army general attempted to guide Nigeria through a viciously strained era.

The film portrayed the story of the fulfilled leader who lost his parents at age 14 and still raised to the pinnacle of success.

The film features stars like Enyinna Nwigwe and others.

After various death threats against the producer, Obi Emelonye, by powerful figures who don’t want the film released, leading to a forced postponement of its cinema release originally slated for 29th November.

Obi Emelonye is known for his award-winning films including “Last Flight to Abuja”

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