In preparation of the Presidential and National Assembly election slated for 23rd of February, the Federal government has declared Friday, February 22, 2019, as a public holiday.

Minister of Interior, Lt. Gen. Bello Dambazau (retd) made his declaration known in Abuja on Wednesday in a press statement made available to the press.

“The Federal Government declares Friday, February 22, 2019, as work-free day. Those providing essential duties and bankers are excluded.

“The work-free day is to enable citizens return to their polling units for the reschedule Presidential and National Assembly elections.”

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“Security agencies have been directed to ensure safety of lives and property before, during and after the general election,” the statement added.

StationMag recalls that the election, which was initially slated for 16th February was rescheduled as a result of logistical failure on the part of the Independent National Electoral Commission.

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