The reality in Nigerian education and in fact most parts of the world is such that the skill and experience needed to flourish in our chosen career is not included in the curriculum.

This reality brings to fore the necessity to bridge the gap that exists between educational acquisition and real-world career requirement.

Young graduates, like myself, don’t realise that they need not only to build and acquire skills but to also build their bank of experiences. They only realize when employers ask for two years of working experience when they have none. Most time this expectation is frustration.

In order to gather the needed skill to flourish, do these six things.

Take Online Courses

 If you want to learn anything go online. The amazing thing about learning skills online is the fact that you can learn at your own pace. This is in addition to the fact that you can learn skills and participate in online courses for free. Life is even easier now with smartphones. You can download tutorial videos that would teach you in detail all you need to know about the skill in question.

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Volunteering might be at your own expense, but it does more good for you than you know. There are organisations that are willing to take in volunteers. it will be advisable to embrace this opportunity, as you will be able to learn on the job. In other words, you will not be paying to learn skills that are invaluable to your career.


An internship is another great opportunity to learn on a job. It means that you will be employed for a specific period of time with remuneration that might not be up to the standard of the industry. However, the advantage of this is that you will learn the reality and secret of the industry you are building a career in.

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Attend Seminars and Events

When you take out time to attend seminars and events, you will see things, things that will inspire you to be better and to ask questions. This also affords you the opportunity to learn from professionals who have made a name for themselves in the industry.

Side Hustle

Being responsible for a business really help you grow. It builds your confidence and experience. An employer would readily want to hire any person who has gone into a business before, because, he or she knows that you will understand the intricacies in running a business. The learns you have learnt from running your business, living or death remains valuable to your career.

Work With a Mentor

Successful people love to help others succeed. Maybe not all, but, people who have sincerely worked hard for their success will likely want to reduce the stress young people in their line of career will go through to get to where they are. So, most of these stars are willing to take under their wings young people that are desirous of success. If you want to build your skills, find these folks and hold on to them tightly. Milk them of all they have to offer.

Learn From Peers

Most times our peers are ahead of us. They have established themselves. Meet up with these folks and relate with them.

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