Due to the postponement of the 2019 general election, the National Youth Service Corp has adjusted the time-table of this year’s Mobilization and orientation program for fresh graduates in the country.

It should be noted that online registration for prospective corp members has started since the 4th of March and slated to end on the 19th of the same month.

NYSC Mobilization Time-Table For 2019 Batch A


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S/N Event Date
1 Briefing/Sensitization of Final year students/prospective corps Members. 4th Feb – 10th March 2019
2 Uploading of Senate/Academic Board Approved Results for Full/Part-Time Graduates and Revalidation Lists by CPIs 1st Feb – 9th March 2019
3 Submission of Senate/Academic Board Approved Results for Full/Part-Time Graduates and Revalidation Lists by CPIs 4th Feb – 15th March 2019
4 Online Registration by Foreign and locally Trained Nigerian Graduates 4th – 19th March 2019
5 Entertainment of complaints from Prospective Corps Members by the state Deployment and Relocation officers and NYSC Help Lines/Desks officers. 4th – 19th March 2019
6 Action by ICT Department 19th – 22nd March 2019
7 Notification and Printing of Call-up Letters by PCMs 21st – 25th March 2019
8 Online Printing of Deployment Disposition by Corps Producing Institutions/Delivery of manual Call-up letters to Institutions 21st – 25th March 2019
9 Commencement of 2019 Batch “A” Orientation Course
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