Just as every human being strive to be a better version of himself, personal branding is an unending process and endeavor by every ambitious individual to continue to give his or her audience a unique and refined version of his/herself.

It is about creating the needed awareness to your uniqueness as regards the services you render, the product you sell and the ideals you stand for.

In the competitive world that we are in, to stay afloat, and in fact swim despite the raging tide, you need succeed in crafting out a unique personal brand that gives you the edge ahead of your competitions and peers.

With the advent of social media and other personal branding platforms, personal branding has not been this seamless. Effortless, you can get your message out there to your audience. However, your message might get lost in the magnitude of information on social media if you do not endeavor to permeate your personal value on the message you get to your audience.

Personal branding is not self-promotion. It is not just about putting yourself in the face of people. It Is about getting your unique voice and getting respect for your identity and take on matters that you are passionate about.

People, generally, are more likely to relate and do business with you if they know, like and trust you. They can only trust you if you have consistently spoken and done what you stand for. This is where value comes in.

Value is what you stand for, it is the entirety of your message. Usually, some realities cause you to come up with these values. These realities are the reasons why you are who you are. They are the experiences that make up the reality that spurs your desire to make the world a better place.

For instance, the founder of Okada books, Okechukwu Ofili experienced hardship publishing his first novel, he thought it wise to start up an online publishing platform that makes publishing in Nigeria issue. His experience as a young struggling author cumulated into values he and his organization now embrace. This, in essence, means our stories makeup our values.

The ability to tell these stories that got us to do what we do is important to your branding efforts. Our ability to tell our story is important to set us apart from the crowded competitive space.



The reality remains that your experiences are the reasons for what you are. Our value is usually dependent on what our past say about us. The value of any business has its root on the experience of people who make up the organisation, especially the people who started the organization.

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Storytelling brings to fore the uniqueness of your brand’s message and values. Your value most likely revolves around solving problems you once encountered and overcame. As stated earlier, Ofili, while as a budding writer saw a problem and found a solution to the problem through online publishing, a solution that forms the core of his personal and business life.

Storytelling Creates a Lasting Impression On People:

Stories have an incredible effect on people; it captures the attention of people easily. It is for this reason, people start a speech or write up by telling a compelling story, especially personal stories that relate to the message they intend to pass across. It is scientifically proven that people tend to respond to a narrative that relates to a particular brand message. Our ability to tell our stories is always important.

Your Brand Become Believable with storytelling:

People are more likely to trust individuals with stories and history to cooperation without a tale of why it exists. Must business have their brand story to make them humane. This is to endure that they are not viewed as only after the profit from the business, but for the good of their audience.

Storytelling Help Pass Your brand massage In The Most Compelling Way:

The best advertising is your ability to advertise without your audience knowing that you are trying to convince them to do what you ask or to buy your product. For instance, you want them to buy your cream, but you telling them a story of how you lost your boyfriend because your skin was rough at the time. This might not be the perfect example, however, the message is that storytelling subtly gives your audience the reason why they should favor you.






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